Kulturstiftung Rhein-Neckar CLAPEKO – Eighty
Exhibition on the occasion of CLAPEKO’s 80th birthday District Office Rhein-Neckar-Kreis in Heidelberg (E) 13 June – 29 September 2021
Vernissage digital: 13 June 2021, 11 h from the foyer of the District Office in Heidelberg
Laudator: Prof. Dr. Christoph ZUSCHLAG, Kunsthistorisches Institut Universität Bonn Katalog zur Ausstellung: bestellen
Press commentaries
Playing with colour, space and surface. | RNZ | Susann Behnke-Pfuhl | 02.09.2021 (PDF as download)

About the exhibition
CLAPEKO van der Heide on his 80th BIRTHDAY
“The Rhine-Neckar district, which is extremely open-minded and committed in many ways in matters of contemporary art, plays a courageous and exemplary pioneering role in comparison to the rest of the state. Over the decades, CLAPEKO van der Heide (*28.12.1940) alone has received 18 of the numerous public commissions to renowned artists in the metropolitan region, including several from the Rhine-Neckar District Office. The trained graphic artist and master student of Herbert KITZEL (1928-1978) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe designed, among other things, the glass windows in the devotional room of the Weinheim District Hospital (1990), the bridge glazing in the Heidelberg District Office (2002) and currently the foyer of the new Louise-Otto Peters School in Hockenheim (2017). Now the “Kulturstiftung Rhein-Neckar-Kreis e.V.” is organising a tribute exhibition in the foyer of the Landratsamt (District Office) (Laudator: Prof. Dr. Christoph ZUSCHLAG, Kunsthistorisches Institut Universität Bonn).*
Press commentaries
Souverän und weltläufig. RNZ | Heide Seele | 28.12.2020 (PDF als Download) CLAPEKO van der Heide zum 80. Geburtstag. | Wieslocher Woche | 23.12.2020 (PDF as Download)
CLAPEKO van der Heide. Eine Homage zum 80. Geburtstag. | Heinzmann Roland M.A. | in: kunstraumMETROPOL April / Mai / Juni 2021 (PDF as Download)
Ausstellung zum 80. Geburtstag von CLAPEKO Kulturstiftung Rhein-Neckar (Landratsamt Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) Heidelberg (E) 13. Juni – 29. September 2021
Vernissage digital: 13 June 2021, 11 h from the foyer of the District Office in Heidelberg
Laudator: Prof. Dr. Christoph ZUSCHLAG, Kunsthistorisches Institut Universität Bonn Katalog zur Ausstellung: bestellen
Press commentaries
Playing with colour, space and surface. | RNZ | Susann Behnke-Pfuhl | 02.09.2021 (PDF as download)

About the exhibition
“The Rhine-Neckar district, which is extremely open-minded and committed in many ways in matters of contemporary art, plays a courageous and exemplary pioneering role in comparison to the rest of the state. Over the decades, CLAPEKO van der Heide (*28.12.1940) alone has received 18 of the numerous public commissions to renowned artists in the metropolitan region, including several from the Rhine-Neckar District Office. The trained graphic artist and master student of Herbert KITZEL (1928-1978) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe designed, among other things, the glass windows in the devotional room of the Weinheim District Hospital (1990), the bridge glazing in the Heidelberg District Office (2002) and currently the foyer of the new Louise-Otto Peters School in Hockenheim (2017). Now the “Kulturstiftung Rhein-Neckar-Kreis e.V.” is organising a tribute exhibition in the foyer of the Landratsamt (District Office) for its model artist on the occasion of his 80th birthday.” (Laudator: Prof. Dr. Christoph ZUSCHLAG, Institute of Art History, University of Bonn).
Press commentaries
Souverän und weltläufig. RNZ | Heide Seele | 28.12.2021 (PDF as Download)
CLAPEKO van der Heide zum 80. Geburtstag. | Wieslocher Woche | 23.12.2021 (PDF as Download)
CLAPEKO van der Heide. Eine Homage zum 80. Geburtstag. | Heinzmann Roland M.A. | in: kunstraumMETROPOL April / Mai / Juni 2021 (PDF as Download)